Thursday, February 20, 2014

Anti abortion? Not necessarily a "pro life" position

I know I am treading in heavily shark-infested waters to even mention the word "abortion."  No one knows exactly what is really in people's hearts, but it is a fair bet that at least a third of the world's population think abortion is a crime at best, an unforgivable sin at worst.  What's more, I know that many of these "pro life" advocates love to see abortionists get shot, maimed, or imprisoned (kind of an irony when you think about it).... so for the record, I am not advocating anyone getting an abortion, I have never performed an abortion, and, being a man, have never even had to consider getting one for myself.

In 1992, when Colin Powell was toying with a run for the presidency, he was one of the most popular men in America.  All he had to do is mention that he thought it was a private issue, and his popularity plummeted overnight.

It is probably fair to say that no one on either side of this issue will ever convince the other, and I wouldn't want to try.  I respect any belief that is honestly held and wouldn't want to dissuade someone from their convictions.

The problem is that the whole supposed "pro life" movement has nothing really to do with being "pro life."  Everyone is pro life.  No one advocates abortion, or is opposed to life!  What the entire issue boils down to is whether or not to execute or imprison women who have had abortions.  Period.   I personally am in favor of helping them.  I doubt many of these women are gleeful that they've had an abortion.  I am sure in most cases it is a heart-wrenching decision and is rarely taken lightly.  However, as the law stands now, they may have an abortion if they think it's in their best interest.  If they do not wish to have an abortion, no one will force them.  So what is the need for change?  -- only to decide the severity of the punishment for the those who have had one.

It is, in some respects, an ingenious marketing campaign-- PRO LIFE, as if to say that to oppose them you must, by definition,  be pro death.  This is insincere at best, and they know that.  However, if they were to be honest and call themselves the PRO CRIMINALIZATION brigade, they would lose the support of most all their contributors, who think they are only going along for a pleasant ride, advocating life and all things good and pure, while opposing death and all things evil. For some, at any rate, it is enough simply to assassinate all the doctors who perform abortions.  With no one left to perform them, perhaps the problem will just disappear!   Most people who support the "pro life" movement don't even realize that they are truly advocating death--death for abortion providers, death for the mothers who ask for the abortion.  After all, isn't that what happens to murderers?
I am not asking for anyone to change her mind about abortion.  All I ask is that everyone take an honest look at the so-called debate, and ask yourself, do you want to see these poor girls executed (or at least incarcerated)?  If not, then why are you supporting a pro-criminalization movement that would do just that?

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