Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Words Can Mean Anything

Original oil painting on stretched canvas
by Mikyong Rodgers

I don’t know what anyone is talking about anymore!

I hear people referring to a good friend as “bad,”  a thin girl as “phat,”  a great movie as a “bomb.”   Any time I lament the decline of the English language, however, and complain about the confusion that results from people using language incorrectly, someone will invariably chime in with the obvious cliché:  “language changes!”

Well of COURSE language changes!  That’s obvious, but saying this is a little like cutting off your nose, and when asked why you did it, you respond by saying “Hey, people change!”

Not only DOES language change, it MUST change, but there is a real difference between stupid change, and smart change.  Smart change is modifying the language to help express things that could not have been expressed before, such as 'email,' 'cyberspace' and  'software.'  There were no terms for these just a few decades ago, and they had to be invented… which is a bad thing. (and by 'bad' I really mean 'good')

Stupid change, on the other hand, is using words to mean the opposite of their known meaning, or taking words that already have a meaning, but changing it to the point where no one knows what you are talking about.

Take for example, the word 'vegetarian.'  A perfectly good word (here I really do mean 'good'), meaning one who eats only plant-based food: no fish, beef, milk, eggs or cheese.  Tragically, this perfectly fine word has been misused so often that it has come to mean a non-meat eater, although since most people don’t consider fish to be meat, they can actually eat animals and still feel as if they are morally superior to those who eat poultry, pork and beef.    The ugly word 'vegan' has now come to mean what vegetarian has always meant to begin with: one who doesn’t eat animals or anything that comes from an animal.    Now, I really have no idea when someone says she’s a vegetarian because I don’t know if she is using it in its original context, the modified and incorrect modern use, or some kind of pathetic hybrid. This has not enhanced communication; it has obfuscated it.

'Decimated' is another fine word that is falling by the wayside.   From the root meaning 'ten,' the word 'decimated' means to destroy 10% of something.   If a tornado wiped out 100 houses out of 1000, you could correctly say that the neighborhood or village was decimated.  Today, however, so many people use decimated to mean 'destroyed' or 'obliterated' that I have no idea what they’re talking about now when they use the word.  Stupid change.

A few weeks ago I had a conversation in a bar with a young man on the subject of rap.  I don’t have anything against rap, and I even like some of it, I just don’t call it 'music' because it’s not.  There is no music there.  There is no tune.  They are words recited to a beat;  It is poetry, some of it very good poetry, but poetry, not music.  My young friend, however, said that rap is music because they call it music, which reminded me of the Abraham Lincoln quotation:  “If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?  5?  No….4…..  because calling a tail a leg does not it make it one.”

“Yes,” the young man insisted.  “ ‘High’ is ‘low’ and ‘low’ is ‘high’…. words can mean anything you want them to mean.”  Unfortunately, he doesn’t get it.   When words can mean “anything,” they cease to have any meaning at all.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

15 questions to ponder

Original oil painting on stretched canvas
by Mikyong Rodgers


If the garbage company and grocery store raised their prices, claiming the high price of gasoline forced them to do so, then why wasn’t there a corresponding drop in prices when the price of gasoline declined?

If cell phone companies charge you extra for going over your anytime minutes, why don’t they refund your money when you are under the limit?

Why does everyone consider 80 degrees and sunny to be the only "good" weather?

If people accept girls playing loudly, wrestling, and climbing trees, why do they scoff at little boys who play with Barbie dolls?

If ATMs are self-service, why do you have to pay more to use one than you do when you deal with actual human beings inside the bank?

If our old, worn-out jeans with holes in the knees are worth nothing, why are teenagers charged premium prices for jeans that look even worse?

If plumbers come to your house to fix a leaky faucet and fail, they have to do it again for no extra cost. Why do doctors charge you for every time you visit, even if they fail to cure you?

If people can go to jail for perjury, why don’t lawyers suffer the same fate when they lie in court to protect their clients?

If titles are supposed to be used as a means of showing respect to others, why do people introduce themselves using their own titles? Isn't it defeating the purpose?

If Indian names for team mascots such as Chiefs and Braves are deemed disrespectful, then why do we have teams named the Saints, The Texans and Patriots?  Aren’t we insulting God, Sam Houston and our venerable founding forefathers?  And aren’t mascot names of teams intended to revere, not demean?

If, in order to vote in America, you must be a citizen, and to become a citizen, you must know English, then to whom are the signs in foreign languages addressed when you go to a polling station?


If phone solicitors are now legally allowed to call us on our cell phones (for which we pay per minute used), then why aren’t we legally allowed to send these companies our phone bills anytime they call us?


Why do we still have the nickel and the penny when they both cost more to produce than what they are worth? 

What is the Queen of England still doing on the payroll of the English taxpayer?  If she were no longer on the throne, would anyone really notice?

If Kenya is considered by some to be President Obama's homeland (because his father was born there), why is it that no one considers Kansas his homeland, although that's where his mother was from?

Monday, June 3, 2013

You're Getting Warmer!

original oil painting on stretched canvas
by Mikyong Rodgers

We’re not in the ice age anymore my friends.  The evidence is overwhelming.  The ice caps and glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, average temperatures of the air and water continue to increase, bizarre weather patterns have become the norm.

And still, there are detractors. 

Of course, that is part of what makes the world go around.  Someone is going to always disagree with what seems obvious to most.   There are those who still believe the earth is flat, that men never walked on the moon, that the pyramids were constructed by aliens from outer space, and that Sarah Palin is a good choice to run for president  in 2016.  And, of course, there are those who say that global warming is just another liberal scheme to get citizens dependent on the government .  They say that temperatures have always gone in cycles, and even if the earth is getting warmer, we had nothing to do with it, and cannot change it anyway.

Never mind the fact that 90% of all scientists affirm that global warming is a fact.  And let’s ignore for a moment a still more obvious fact, that humans can and have contributed to the phenomenon.  Still…. Are the proposed solutions really that unpalatable?  Would it cause anyone great harm if we were to comply with the very logical recommendations set forth by the scientific community? What exactly would it take to help slow the rate of global warming?.... cutting down factory emissions, creating increasingly fuel efficient cars, encouraging the use of alternative modes of transportation (including bicycles and electric vehicles), reducing the use of electricity, using alternative, cleaner forms of fuel and energy such as tidal and wind power, reducing coal emissions….and the list goes on.

The way I see it, the question of whether global warming is a fact…. doesn’t matter in the end.  The solutions that will help slow the process are good for us all and ought to be embraced.